
Frustrated With Adam

I am so frustrated this morning. I tried waking Adam up before I went to work and of course he would not get up because he was up late playing video games. First, I hate video games. He plays them so often and does nothing else most of the week. He has a class that has to be done on the 29th and he barely has opened the book. If he does not get a decent grade in the class he will not get his financial aid. Anyway, if he does not finish this class and get a decent grade it will have huge repercussions. I am sure he understands this and he is just procrastinating, but I do not need the x-tra stress that this gives me. It just makes me so mad. Classes start again in August and we will be going thru this all over again. Hopefully he changes his ways. If I try not to pay any attention, maybe he will take care of it all on his own...I don't know. It sure was nice when he was not in school, but I want to move on with my life. Eventually I want to get married, buy a house, and have kids. I am not in a super huge hurry with all three of those things; however, I really do want him to get a better job. He comes home from work and he is so full of tension and has a horrible attitude. I think I am just venting right now, but it is so frustrating for me.


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