
I passed my test!!!

I passed the series 66 test now. I am done taking tests for work. I get to go home at night and worry about nothing. I get to completely do my own thing and not even worry about studying! Those two tests consumed my life, because even when I was not studying I felt like I should have been studying...not a fun feeling at all.

Currently, I am still enrolled in two online classes to finish my degrees for college. What a wonderful world it will be when I am completely done studying. I have thought about going back to get my master's degree, but I think that will be awhile before I am feeling up to that. I am really burnt out from school right now.

Over the weekend, I made some Christmas cards and posted them on eBay to sell. I made two sets of ten and both sets already have bids on them! I am going to make some more tonight to sell and I will post them.

Last night I got all of my scrapbooking stuff put away in my new area in the computer room and I love it. I am really excited to work on it tonight. I have to stop at Target and get two more baskets and one more canister and then I will have enough storage for everything. I have a few other things to post on eBay tonight also. Some scrapbooking stuff that I no longer need. I think I should be able to make a few dollars on it. -I would rather sell it than throw it away. Everything I sell on eBay goes into an account, that is the account Adam and I are going to use to go to Europe. I do have a ways to go before I have enough money for that.

Our other desk arrived today for the computer room, so we will now have a new desk for the desktop as well. There is a lot of stuff going on right now, but it is all fun.


It has been awhile...

It has been awhile since I have posted anything about my life. A lot has been going on and I have sooooo much to do.

First, the most exciting thing is that Adam and I are engaged. This happened on September 20th! One month ago today. We have been making lots of wedding plans and are getting married next year on September 16th. Less than eleven months now. Hopefully time goes by fast. I am sooooo excited. We have been together nine years and we will be getting married on our ten year anniversary.

What else is new? I am taking two online classes to finish up my two degrees at college. After these two classes are done I will be completely graduated.

I scheduled my series 66 test for work. The big day is November 22nd and I seriously need to pass that. I just want to focus on wedding plans and a honeymoon.


I have had kind of a down week. I have not been very busy at work and that drives me crazy. It feels like time moves so slowly.

Also, I have been watching CNN on TV and reading articles on the internet. From Minnesota, New Orleans seems so far away. So remote. But it really is not. The story is unfolding right here in our own country. People are dyeing because of lack of food and medical attention. It almost seems like a situation that would have occurred hundreds of years ago instead of a few days ago. My heart breaks every time I watch the news. People are scared and hungry and are doing desperate things and here I am sitting at my desk safe and sound and worrying about minimal things, such as what am I going to do for the weekend?

I think this whole situation is making Americans take a long hard look at themselves and at our country as a whole. We can ignore a few homeless people in the street as we drive by in our big expensive cars, but how do we ignore a whole city full of homeless people. People that once had beautiful homes and they were taken away in a blink of an eye. It could easily happen to anyone. We are all confident we will be able to get a hot meal whenever we want, but that could be taken away in a matter of minutes. Everyone looks to the government. Where is the food? The water? The medicine? That is the job of the government, right? I guess I just do not know what to think. I think the entire country is acting and speaking out with raw emotion right now. There are people who had everything and now have nothing. It shows us how fragile our lifestyles can be...

Change of weekend plans because of gas prices.

Adam and were planning on going away for labor day weekend, but now we are not going anywhere. Just staying in our own apartment right here in the city. I am not paying $3.39 for a gallon of gas just because I want to leave the city for the weekend. I can find something to do here.

Part of me feels horrible, complaining about the gas prices. Especially when there are people that live on the south coast that do not even have a car to fill with gas anymore. However, it seems my whole way of life has basically changed overnight. I cannot afford to keep driving when it costs almost $50 to fill up my small car. Thank the heavens that I do not drive an SUV. I was smart enough to stay out of that suburban trap.

So, I have been trying to figure out a way to make my money stretch a little farther. For one thing I need to stay out of Target. I can spend a lot of money there without blinking an eye. I also have to start buying more groceries and quit eating out so often. I am still saving for Europe. I am not willing to put that trip on hold yet.


College Books...

I have been posting some clothes and college books on ebay over the past week. I have been pretty impressed with how they are selling. Most of my clothes sold and most of the books. Today I shipped a few out.

I also am signing up for classes to finish up my degree. I have two classes left! Anyway, I get so frustrated every time I buy my college books. It seems the instructors want you to buy more and more books every semester and the prices are so expensive. I also get frustrated because I always have to buy the newest edition and the books are always around $100 or more. The old edition is almost the same, but a lot cheaper, however the class requires the new edition. I am just venting...

On a better note I had a good weekend. I went to visit my parents and I helped my mom set up her online store. The local parade was also in town, so I went to that. In a way it makes me kind of sad to go to the small town events. I see people there and it almost seems like their excitement for the year. Not to many people venture out to see the world from that town. I guess I just cannot imagine never wanting to see the world. If I could afford it I would spend my life traveling. I am still saving for Europe! I am determined to make it happen...even with the expensive gas rates.


Studying and Saving...My two goals right now

I have to start studying for my series 66 test tonight. In may I passed the series seven test. That took a lot of time and a lot of studying. Up until now I have not even been able to open my books to start studying. It will be so nice when I am done with both tests. I just want to have my life back when I go home from work.

I began saving for my trip to Europe and so far it is going well. Adam and I are going to each contribute $100/month and we are also going to put our tax rebate money in the fund. When I pass my second test at work I will also get a bonus and I will be putting that bonus into the savings account as well. I think it is very possible and I just have to stay focused.

I told myself and Adam I would not buy any new clothes until November. November seems like a long way away. So far I am doing really well and I have noticed the difference in my checkbook. I do think I have sort of a shopping addiction. Whenever I feel a little bit gloomy I go shopping. I love to buy new clothes and have fun, new outfits to wear to work, but, I can beat that addiction.

I have balances on my credit card that carries over from going to college and that really bothers me. I transferred it to a card that has no interest for the life of the balance transfer so that is good, but I still have to pay it back...


Crazy Gas Prices

I just read online that crude oil prices hit almost $67/barrell today. Ouch. I have mixed feelings about this. I live in northern minnesota and public transportation is not to accessible, so I have to drive to work. My family also lives three hours away and if I ever want to visit them it can be expensive and is getting more expensive by the day.

However, I feel that it is important for more mass transit systems to be created and utilized. I do not think this country can continue driving individual cars around forever. One reason is that people will not be able to afford this method of transportation. Last month I spent around $150 in gas and seriously think that is nothing compared to what a lot of people spend.

I also feel very helpless when it comes to gas prices and transportation. I am not really sure what to do to improve the situation.



Adam and I are moving into a new apartment this week and it is a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end. Every night this week we have been packing and packing and hauling stuff back and forth. I have been very busy and will write more later!

Doctor Results

I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. They did not find anything, so my doctor wants me to go back for more tests. I am tired of going to the doctor. I think I will wait a while.