
College Books...

I have been posting some clothes and college books on ebay over the past week. I have been pretty impressed with how they are selling. Most of my clothes sold and most of the books. Today I shipped a few out.

I also am signing up for classes to finish up my degree. I have two classes left! Anyway, I get so frustrated every time I buy my college books. It seems the instructors want you to buy more and more books every semester and the prices are so expensive. I also get frustrated because I always have to buy the newest edition and the books are always around $100 or more. The old edition is almost the same, but a lot cheaper, however the class requires the new edition. I am just venting...

On a better note I had a good weekend. I went to visit my parents and I helped my mom set up her online store. The local parade was also in town, so I went to that. In a way it makes me kind of sad to go to the small town events. I see people there and it almost seems like their excitement for the year. Not to many people venture out to see the world from that town. I guess I just cannot imagine never wanting to see the world. If I could afford it I would spend my life traveling. I am still saving for Europe! I am determined to make it happen...even with the expensive gas rates.


Studying and Saving...My two goals right now

I have to start studying for my series 66 test tonight. In may I passed the series seven test. That took a lot of time and a lot of studying. Up until now I have not even been able to open my books to start studying. It will be so nice when I am done with both tests. I just want to have my life back when I go home from work.

I began saving for my trip to Europe and so far it is going well. Adam and I are going to each contribute $100/month and we are also going to put our tax rebate money in the fund. When I pass my second test at work I will also get a bonus and I will be putting that bonus into the savings account as well. I think it is very possible and I just have to stay focused.

I told myself and Adam I would not buy any new clothes until November. November seems like a long way away. So far I am doing really well and I have noticed the difference in my checkbook. I do think I have sort of a shopping addiction. Whenever I feel a little bit gloomy I go shopping. I love to buy new clothes and have fun, new outfits to wear to work, but, I can beat that addiction.

I have balances on my credit card that carries over from going to college and that really bothers me. I transferred it to a card that has no interest for the life of the balance transfer so that is good, but I still have to pay it back...


Crazy Gas Prices

I just read online that crude oil prices hit almost $67/barrell today. Ouch. I have mixed feelings about this. I live in northern minnesota and public transportation is not to accessible, so I have to drive to work. My family also lives three hours away and if I ever want to visit them it can be expensive and is getting more expensive by the day.

However, I feel that it is important for more mass transit systems to be created and utilized. I do not think this country can continue driving individual cars around forever. One reason is that people will not be able to afford this method of transportation. Last month I spent around $150 in gas and seriously think that is nothing compared to what a lot of people spend.

I also feel very helpless when it comes to gas prices and transportation. I am not really sure what to do to improve the situation.



Adam and I are moving into a new apartment this week and it is a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end. Every night this week we have been packing and packing and hauling stuff back and forth. I have been very busy and will write more later!

Doctor Results

I went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. They did not find anything, so my doctor wants me to go back for more tests. I am tired of going to the doctor. I think I will wait a while.